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Welcome to
a space all about
self-care, personal growth & joy!


Creating a magical world one

 product at a time


Things are changing here at The Ritual Queen. I have shifted my focus away from coaching to creating products to make you laugh and nourish your soul. ALL FREE content that was available from "the queen" is still here for you in the resource library. Online programs are also still available, as is my book.

Adjust Your Crown Bundle

The Adjust Your Crown Bundle is your roadmap to shifting your mindset, mastering your mornings, 

building your confidence and finding self-love. 


You get access to all 4 programs which include meditations, printables, and more! 


  • Master Your Mindset

Are you annoyed that you just can’t seem to get a handle on habits? 

That you don’t know why you are unhappy all the time?

That fears rise to the surface and you do or say things that are not in character? 

Ever wondered why you can’t stick to a diet or fulfill a simple goal?

You are not alone. In fact, 80% of people will have failed their New Years resolution by February. 

These fears and failures happen to everyone. 

But you are different in that you can change all of it, provided you decide to put in the effort.

  • The Self-Love Handbook

Do you find that you beat yourself up a lot?

That you are scared when walking into an unknown place?

That the same situations keep occurring over, and over, and over, and over?

You are not alone.

The problem is that people do not tackle the core of the issue. 

They do not understand love and that all of their problems stem from a lack of self-love. 

  • Unshakeable Confidence

If you are struggling to achieve all your set goals, frustrated with how your life is right now, and you feel that you deserve to get MORE... then you have to pay attention to this.
This is not about luck not siding with you, or you were not given the opportunity to level-up your playing field...
... it’s just that you haven’t conquered this one area of your life

  • Morning Mastery

If you are sick of not feeling productive, energetic, positive, feeling demotivated throughout the day, and not accomplishing your goals in life... then you have to pay attention to this.

You don’t need another motivational speech to lift your spirit up.
In fact, the real problem is NOT that you are not motivated.
The real reason why you are not being productive, energetic, positive, and not accomplishing your daily goals... lies in how you start your day.

Portrait with Olive Branch
Old Books

get  your copy today


A Guide To Putting On Your Big Girl Panties


What if you woke up with joy in your heart for the day ahead instead of feeling immediate anxiety and defeat?

I’m not sure how you found your way to me but I am so thankful you did.


 Why? Because I was you.


Let me ask you this, have you forgotten who you used to be? Did you have hobbies and activities you used to enjoy doing? Do you spend everyday feeling scattered, stressed and  overwhelmed? Do you feel like you are just going through the motions out of obligation?


I got you girl.  It was just a few short years ago I was exactly where you now. I was all over the place, feeling alone and lost. I had no confidence. Finding joy felt like a job. I felt like I was failing as a parent, as a wife, as a woman.


I knew that it was time for a change. I spent years on my journey of personal development and inner work. It was long, hard and messy. But damn, it was worth it.


My mission now is to be able to help other women who feel the stress, the overwhelm, the emptiness, the loneliness, the mom guilt. I want to work with you to let all that shit go. I want to show you how you can create little changes for massive impact. You can step into your Queen Energy and wake up joyful every day.


Are You Ready?

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