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Hi, I'm Theresa

I’m so glad you have found your way here. I believe in divine guidance. It intentional that we are crossing paths because everyone comes in and out of your life for a reason, no matter how long they remain there. 

Let me give you a little info about me.  


I am a mother of two, ages 23 and 17. I have been married to my best friend for 21 years, together for 24. We have built a wonderful life together.

So why would I fall into a depression?

That was the million-dollar question that hit me about 3 years ago. I fell into a deep, dark hole and couldn’t see a way out. I started therapy, went on medication and my healing began. It was a long, hard, messy journey but I made it through. And I came out stronger than I ever thought possible.

All my life I have been a people pleaser, growing up in dysfunction, it was my way of surviving. I had never given consideration to my health, my emotions or feelings – I shoved that shit down deep to avoid any sort of conflict or chaos! Well, after 30 plus years of silencing myself, it erupted like a volcano. There was no more avoiding it. The time to deal with all the hurt, the trauma, the feelings and emotions that I ignored for decades had finally come to surface. 
I learned how to create little rituals within my day that had massive life changing results. I am able to find joy in the ordinary. I have peace and love in my heart. 


I Matter, I am Priority.

Now I make sure that I MATTER. I AM A PRIORITY. I have discovered that everyone around me benefits when I’m at my best. When I’m fulfilled. When I’m recharged and energized. This doesn’t mean that I don’t still give my family my everything, it means they get my everything while I’m at my absolute best! It’s a win-win.

If this resonates with you at all, I know in my heart that I can help you and look forward to your journey.

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